
Buyers Agent Fees
Each buyer’s agent or property finder in the TFPF network has their own fee structure (“Commission”)

Most property finder fee structures depend on how the listing agencies in their region operate. However, in all cases a commission is only payable once you’ve purchased a property, at the signing of the final transfer deed (acte authentique).

In some areas of France, real estate listing agents are happy to share their commission with buyer’s agents, which means that the buyer does not need to pay any additional fee other than the fee already included in the asking price by the listing agent. In that case, the listing agent and the buyer’s agent share the commission.

In other areas, some or all agencies don’t share with any other agencies and the buyer’s agent therefore must ask the buyer an additional commission.

Once you’re in touch with the independent buyer’s agent in your search area, they will give you the exact details on the search mandate agreement and the Commission payable.

Please contact us with your search criteria and budget and we will put you in touch with the appropriate property finder.